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Portfolio: Pramod Dev Madanadev

Body of work in communications, films, websites, social media, and research

Filmography (in random order)



Thadavu (The Sentence) 2023 

Co-produced a feature film in Malayalam, The Sentence (Thadavu) under the banner “Bunch of Coconuts” that won the Best Debut Film and the Audience Prize at International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), 2023, and international competition selection at Jio MAMI Film Festival 2023, and Pune International Film Festival 2024.

Led project development, production, fundraising, editing, international publicity, and sales.


One Cubed(2015), Documentary, Full HD, Duration: 43/27 Minutes, Client- Heinrich Boll Foundation (HBF), India

A multiple award-winning documentary on gender dimensions of globalization. This film has been selected for international film festivals in India and abroad and won seven awards including the “Best Documentary” awards at Youth Spring Film Festival 2014 and Part ONO Film Festival 2016.


Cross-Border Learning Empowers Poor Women in South Asia (2014), Documentary, Full HD, Duration: 5 minutes, Client- The World Bank, South Asia

A short film on how women in interior Bhutan benefited from the BEES knowledge network.


Non-Tariff Barriers to India-Bangladesh Trade (2018), Short Documentary, Full HD, Duration: 7 minutes, Client- USAID India

A data driven film exploring the potential of trade between India & Bangladesh.


REIA- The Rare Earth Industry Association (2019), Brand Film, Shot on 4K, Duration: 4 minutes, Client- REIA

Commissioned by Belgium based Global Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA), shot in Brussels.


Reaping Results (2019), Final Project Documentation Film, Shot on 4K, Duration: 13 minutes, Client- AMIED/Metso.

A project documentation film we made for Metso India’s Model School Project in Alwar, Rajasthan that benefited from a CSR intervention. The brief was to capture success stories and increase the visibility of the intervention by the project partners.


The Invisible Hands- India (2013), Documentary Curtain Raiser, Full HD, Duration: 8 minutes, Client- Heinrich Böll Stiftung, India

This film highlights the role and contribution of women to the Indian economy in an innovative way whereby the real invisible hands of the economy are brought to the fore and acknowledged.


Consumer Broadband Label (2017), Animation, Full HD, Duration: 4 minutes, Client- CUTS International.

An animation film we produced for CUTS International, advocating for an informative consumer broadband label in India.


Listen to the Myristica (2021), Shot on 4K-Full HD, Duration: 2 Minutes, Client- Forest PLUS 2.0.

Promo video for the World Wetlands Day 2021 on the biodiversity rich Myristica Swamps of Kerala.


Medicinal Plant Cultivation for Livelihood Security (2022), 4K-Full HD, 19 Minutes, Client- Kerala State Biodiversity Board(KSBB).


Climate Resilience: Rajasthan(2018), Process Documentation & Outcome Film, Full HD, Duration: 8 minutes, Client- Development Alternatives/UNICEF

This video showcases the entire project process from inception to final outcome.


Budhni ODF Mission (2016), AV, Full HD, Duration: 12 minutes, Client- Water Aid in India

It is a film on WASH wherein we documented WaterAid’s work to make Budhni block in Madhya Pradesh ODF. Here we worked with schools, children, villagers, and the state level officials involved while documenting the process and impact of the intervention.


The Bihar Fly Ash Bricks Story (2017), Short Documentary, Full HD, Duration: 5 minutes, Client- Development Alternatives

A film on the fledgling fly ash bricks industry in Bihar.


Vox Populi- Gender and ESD (2013), Short Documentary, Gender and Education for Sustainable Development, Duration: 5 Minutes, Client-TERI India


Home Herbal Garden (2022), 4K-Full HD, 3 Minutes, Client- CISSA, Thiruvananthapuram, India. Not available in Public.


Fly Ash Bricks Making Promo (2021), Shot on 4K delivered on Full HD, Client- Development Alternative. Not available in Public yet.


Websites Built (including the content)


  1.   A semi-smart website I created for the Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD), comprising 17 organisations from across the globe. I edited the content, created the pages and infobase, SEO, links to social media handles, and secured the digital properties.

  2.    This is my company's website that I designed as a model semi-smart website for my development sector clients at a cost of less US$10. Please review it for more on my work.


Social Media Channels I created and/or maintained for my clients


  1. -   I designed and edited all the videos of this channel and made their film. I created the write ups and set keywords for videos for SEO optimization.

  2. - I designed the template and edited all the videos of this channel. I advised the client to convert their webinars into online videos and volunteered to edit and maintain their channel. They received over 20000 views from across the globe, which was huge for an academic institute run by a State government in India.


Research Reports & Advocacy Papers 


  1. Is the Stage Set for Mainstreaming Trade into the National Development Strategy of India? Results of Field Survey in Two States (2008) First Author, Jaipur: Consumer Unity and Trust Society

  2. Linkages between Environmental Standards and Poverty: A People-centered Approach (2005) Advocacy Document, Jaipur: Consumer Unity and Trust Society. 

  3. Does (Should) One Size Fit All? (2005) Co-authored, Research Report, Jaipur: Consumer Unity and Trust Society

  4. Knitting it Together: India and the MFA Phase Out in Williams & Carr (Eds.) (2010) Trading Stories:  Experiences with Gender and Trade London: Commonwealth Secretariat (A Chapter in the edited volume, I only have hard copy available. Hence, I have included a link to the .pdf version of its photos)

  5. Ensuring benefits reach the poor, a critique of India’s Budget 2009-10, The Hindu Business Line, Opinion 15-07-2009

  6. Designing Gender Sensitive Foreign Trade Policy for India (2009) Study commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce, India

CIN: U73100DL2013PTC259615

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